Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Classical Childhood

So.  As I sit here, alternating work between 3 group projects, a paper, and working on reception decorations (Welcome to my life people! ....Kill me.) I've been enjoying my "99 Must-Have Classics: The Planets and other Masterpieces".  In doing so, I've come to realize how many of these songs I remember first hearing as a child....From cartoons and kids shows!  Apparently the 90s were just super classy.  (Which we all knew from Full House.  I mean seriously.  Look at this fashion:

Fo' reals though.  Lets see if you know the same songs as I do!

First up:  "In the Hall of the Mountain King" from Peer Gynt

Also known as:  The Kids WB Commercials!

And there's Habenera from the opera Carmen:

Which of course I learned from Hey Arnold!....good times.

Then there's 'Figaro':

Which any good kid should have learned from Bugs Bunny:

Of course "Ride of the Valkeries" has been in a BAJILLION movies, but just because this scene made me laugh so hard:  Here it is in Rango (Not 90's but oh well.)

There are so many others, but it's late and I REALLY need to get these projects done.  GAH! 18 days left!